So the bike has had a couple of teething problems...

First up, some old rust must have dislodged in the fuel tank and clogged up the fuel filter on the 2nd ride and had to get the bike picked up on the back of the Ute. To ensure I never run into this problem again, I've had an epoxy liner applied which now looks to have resolved the problem after completing a couple of subsequent rides.

The next issue I'm trying to resolve is the brakes. Neither of the front or rear brakes are as good as I would like - particularly the rear brake.

I've swapped the rear brake cylinder out for the one on my YZ250 which has twice the displacement. It has made a small difference but certainly not enough which leads me to think it is the rear brake caliper itself. I will try and re-build it however if that fails, I will need to pick up a new assembly.

One of the bonuses of fitting the YZ250 cylinder to the XR600 is the reservoir is built into the component and results in a much cleaner finish on the bike. With the reservoir no longer needed, I am going to remove the old mount.

XR600 Cafe Racer

XR600 Cafe Racer

XR600 Cafe Racer

XR600 Cafe Racer

The chain guard also didn't have enough clearance and with the chain slapping while ridding it eventually fell off and well that was the end of that. I managed to find the guard on the side of the road and it's back at the fabricator to have another one made up, this time, with a bit more clearance.

Also looking forward to the first meet-up which is Motosocial Show & Shine 2.0. In preparation I've ordered a couple of new parts which I will post on here which will supersede some of the cheaper ebay bolt-on parts on the bike. A bit nervous to have the biked judged by the public however am excited to check out the other fantastic builds in the area. I'll be sure to take a lot of photos and upload them to here.

Stay tuned.

Motosocial XR600
